__author__ = 'ronalddekker' # The goal of this file is to construct a witness from a single transcription stored in TEI format. # imports from integration.xml_segmentation import segmentate_xml_file_and_write_segments_to_disc # open the source file # Note file path containing ~ do not work for some reason #tei_file_1823 = open("~/Desktop/CollateX/Elisa Files/JulianMelfiMS.xml") #tei_file_1823 = open("/Users/ronalddekker/Desktop/CollateX/Elisa Files/JulianMelfiMS.xml") tei_file = open("/Users/ronalddekker/Desktop/CollateX/Elisa Files/JulianMelfiPub1823.xml") print(str(tei_file)) # tei_file = TextIoWrapper # for every act we want to create a token stream in JSON format # We first write an XML file for each act... just to save us from going over the whole file again and again segmentate_xml_file_and_write_segments_to_disc(tei_file, filename = "/Users/ronalddekker/Desktop/CollateX/Elisa files/second_edition_act_")